05/18/18 Featured Arkansas Photography–Foggy morning view of Pinnacle and the Maumelle Pinnacles
- At May 18, 2018
- By paul
- In Featured Arkansas Photography
Taken with a Nikon D810 and 70-200 lens @ 200mm
One of my most favorite spots to photograph Arkansas is from near my home, overlooking the Arkansas and Mamuelle River valleys. The center piece of this is Pinnacle Mountain, at around 600 feet tall. Many folks feel Arkansas has a volcano, but no it’s just very interesting shaped Pinnacle. The 4 Maumelle Pinnacles are laid out behind it in a chain and on a morning like this, barely stick up above the fog.
I love to catch sunsets from here, but really love the mornings where the fog has rolled up the entire valley, much like the fog in San Francisco. Behind Pinnacle is Lake Maumelle and the large clouds are from that body of water.
To take this image, as I always want to both Pinnacle and the Maumelle Pinnacles behind it, I used my Nikon D810 and 70-200 lens. I stayed in the horizontal position to take this and used 3 separate shots. Due to the fog, my normal stitching tool, Lightroom was not able to create the panorama. Instead I used ptgui and it made a great panorama. I used both Lightroom and ACR to work on the images, then added a tad of Topaz Clarity to finish off the shot.
Written for photosofarkansas.com by Paul Caldwell, both article and image are covered by registered copy write protection.