07/25/13 Featured Arkansas Photography–6 Finger Falls on Falling Water Creek
- At July 26, 2013
- By paul
- In Featured Arkansas Photography

Taken with a Phase One P45+, Mamiya 35mm F3.5 lens @F14 iso 50 for approximately 1 second. Falling Water Creek is one of the many jewels of Arkansas. This particular spot is one of the more popular spots on the creek. Here you find a ledge that runs all the way across the creek and is broken in 6 spots, thus the name 6 finger falls. The total height is about 10 feet and it’s a very unique spot on the creek. The rocks in the foreground on this shot were all washed away in a recent flood and now there is only a sandbar. The creek above the falls has a long flat bedrock bottom is a nice spot to wade. If you want to photograph 6 finger falls, I would recommend you plan on being there in the morning in the afternoon, the sun will be shinning in your face. Of course if it’s a day like this one, overcast, it won’t matter. This area is about 2 hours away from Little Rock.