11/20/12 Featured Arkansas Photography–Prayer meeting at the narrows, Buffalo National River

Taken with a Canon 5D MKII, Canon 14mm lens @ F11 for 1/60 of a second, iso 200. I love to work the narrows on the Buffalo River. It’s a very unique spot in Arkansas. Here you have a long bluff that had at one time been eroded by two different streams. One, the Buffalo which can be seen in the picture and the 2nd, Richland Creek. Richland long ago moved it banks away from this bluff, but is still close by and empties into the Buffalo not far downstream from where this picture was taken. On this day I was waiting and hoping that all the cloud cover would break off and give me some blue sky. It was late fall in 2010 but I still had some great color along the banks of the Buffalo. While I was waiting, a group of Mennonite women came down the bluff from behind me. I was surprised by this, as I only thought that there was one way up, but they had a different location to gain access. They climbed down the steeper end of the bluff which is behind from where this shot was taken, then walked along the narrows and climbed the smaller bluff in the distance. There they held a prayer meeting. You can see them barely in the distance on the right side of the bluff in the distance near the river. IF YOU CAN’T SEE THEM CLICK ON THE IMAGE FOR A LARGER VIEW.