09/11/12 Featured Arkansas Photography–Falling Water Falls in Searcy County

Taken with a Canon 1ds MKII, Canon 24-70 lens @24mm, F14 for approximately .5 seconds, iso 100. Falling water falls is one of the easier spots to get to in Arkansas. You can drive right up to it! Unfortunately this works against photography since you almost never find these falls without someone standing at the rim. I have never really understood the need to walk out and just stand there, but I guess there is some necessary fulfillment that some folks need. On the weekends, you can always expect to find a crowd here so if you are thinking about a trip, try to plan it on the weekdays and try to get there early.
Falling Water falls is a tough shot, due to the fact that the sun crosses in front and over the creek. This shot was taken by crossing the creek and then looking back to the right, where the road is. I took this shot in the early afternoon and the light was shinning directly on the ledge that creates the falls the the large maple tree in the foreground of the shot. If you come early in the morning, this area will still be in shade, but you can work the right side of the falls instead. I also like to get below and use the creek in my shots as it adds a different perspective to your photograph.
A few cautions, the creek above the falls is running over a smooth piece of limestone. It’s very slick and if there is a lot of current, you can lose your footing and end up going over the falls. Odds are you won’t hurt yourself but you will lose all of you equipment. I tend to cross upstream a bit where the creek is not so wide and the current is not as focused and strong. The road that runs besides the falls is Forest Road 1205 and it get both car/truck and horse traffic. So look out when you park your car at the falls. There is a nice parking area just past the falls headed south on 1205 where I tend to leave my truck. In the springtime you might be able to find a kayaker running over the top of the falls as it has always been a right of passage for boaters to jump the falls.
Falling water falls is only about 12 feet tall and it most impressive after a big rain when water is covering the entire ledge. Note, you can also expect not to find people standing at the rim of the falls with the blank looks on their faces when the creek is running at a good clip, (it’s a good time to photograph).