07/01/12 Featured Arkansas Photography–Moonset over the Boxley Valley on the Buffalo National River
- At July 01, 2012
- By paul
- In Featured Arkansas Photography

Taken with a Canon 5D MKII, 45 second exposure, Iso 100, Canon 24-70 Lens @ F6.3, Single Exposure. With modern Digital Cameras, it is amazing just how long you and work with a single exposure. I was on my way to photograph Elk in the Boxley valley and as I came around the corner on Hwy21, I saw moon was setting over this field. The temperature around 10 degrees that morning, much cooler than right now! I knew I had to work fast as the once the moon starts to set, it seems to move very fast so I rushed to set up all my gear. I took this shot on a tripod at around 45 seconds. I was amazed that I didn’t get too much movement with the moon as it was setting. I used the tree in the foreground to help block out the center of the moon but it still came out pretty bright. The sky is a blue color which is normal when you work with the moon. If you look closely you can see the moonlight reflecting off of bits of ice on the ground. The amount of light that was available can be seen by the shadows along the fence row.