05/21/12 The Long Road to my return, please be paitent
- At May 22, 2012
- By paul
- In Uncategorized
Thank you for coming to www.photosofarkansas.com You may be a new visitor or a past visitor, but to both I ask you to be paitent. In the past when visiting my site, you would have found a website that was dedicated to showing photographic images from throughout Arkansas. These images were contained in several galleries which were specific to the various geographic regions of Arkansas i.e. Ozark Mountains, River Delta. My site was a compilation of over 8 years of hard work, many revisions and new ideas. It contained articles about photographic products, technique and locations. There also was a blog that was focused on my travels throughout Arkansas. Unfortunately, due to a total lack of professionalism by my former web administrator, in early April 2012 my entire site was lost. I have been able to salvage most of my images and some of the articles, but most of the written work was lost. I am in the process of rebuilding my site and for the next year it will be a total work in progress. My main goal for now is to get my galleries back on-line so that a visitor can enjoy once again my photographic vision of Arkansas. I appreciate your patience as i get things back in order.
Paul Caldwell